Janice’s Journal: Register Today as a Los Angeles County Poll Worker


The Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters has adopted a policy that prohibits anyone convicted of a sex offense from working as a poll worker. This policy defies logic and violates both state law as well as the federal constitution.

According to state law, anyone eligible to vote is eligible to serve as a poll worker and will be paid to do so. Most counties abide by that law by allowing individuals convicted of a sex offense from serving as a poll worker during an election.

With the importance of the upcoming election in November, there is sure to be a large turnout at the polls. In the past, Los Angeles County has had difficulties recruiting enough people to serve as poll workers.

Why then would Los Angeles County prohibit more than 15,000 citizens of that county, who are required to register as sex offenders, from serving as poll workers? Why then would Los Angeles County not consider the nature of the offense for which the individual was convicted, the number of years since the conviction and whether the individual is currently required to register as a sex offender?

Los Angeles County has made a big mistake and it’s time for them to admit it. Instead, the county has decided to defend its mistake in its answer to a lawsuit filed in state court that challenges the county’s illegal policy.

In order to test the County’s policy, ACSOL requests that as many registrants as possible volunteer to serve as poll workers in the November election.

Click here to fill out an online poll workers’ application  on the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RRCC) web site.
Click here to download the Angeles County Poll Worker Application form [Aug 2018] which you fill out and mail.

And although the election is three months away, this is a good time to volunteer. Good luck to all! Please let us know in the comments below what response you receive.

— Janice Bellucci

Read all Janice’s Journals





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Do I need to live in LA to do this?

I trust some of you will step up and apply for the big as pool worker.
PLEASE help Janice poke the bear, they deserve it.

Note that Orange County has the same policy:

“Individuals who are currently on parole for a felony conviction, or are a registered sex offender cannot volunteer”

You can volunteer to serve as a poll worker in OC here:

I have submitted applications for both LA County and Orange County.

When I saw this in my email, I immediately filled out the application online and even though I live in Sacramento County there is nothing stating that I cannot apply to either work or volunteer–in fact the only requirement is to be at least 18 years old and either registered to vote in California or be a “Legal Permanent Resident of the United States (Green Card Holder).” So I would encourage every registered citizen across the nation to apply.

There is a disclaimer stating, “*Individuals who are registered sex offenders cannot volunteer.” I feel that disclaimer is unconstitutional and believe ACSOL will prevail against this blanket discriminatory action. I look forward to my day in court (or deposition) on every registered citizen’s behalf. To insure my willingness to volunteer I indicated I would be available to volunteer in every single area of the county and indicated I have my own transportation. I immediately received a reply from the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk:
“You have SUCCESSFULLY submitted your online application. It will be forwarded to the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk for further approval. We will contact you once the process has been completed. Thank you and we hope to see you soon! Confirmation Number: PA080618024021”

I checked all the cities. Really, it may be convenient, but I would drive up from San Diego to any one of them to prove a point. You can’t take away our rights without a fight.

Be sure to print out the page with your confirmation number

I’m sorry I don’t see the point in this. It would seem more beneficial to focus on eliminating the registry and then you don’t have to worry about these things. It seems there are lot’s of victories happening I would think one of these could be applied to a CA lawsuit.

I enrolled as a poll worker today, and I got a confirmation number. I’ve been a CA registrant for 26 years, I’m eligible to vote and I always do in the primaries and major elections. I see no reason why L.A. County should hold back registrants from being a poll worker.



I filled out the voter poll worker (paid volunteer) application, checking the Glendale box, and I got a confirmation number. I have lived/voted here for 22 years except when involuntary relocated and denied voting privileges.
My voting was restored 10 years ago.

Sent in my application and got a confirmation number; so , what is the plan if and when we all get rejected?

Looks like this group is rolling on this WAYYYY COOOOOOL Opportunity!
Please hit the SOTP group of your choice and enlist enlist enlist!
You’ve gottem on the defensive in this one.

I LUUUUUUUV J’s Idea here!
Theoretically three legal birds with one stone can be had.
That, as our founders clearly understood, is the intrinsic nature of Ex- post law.
They had sound reason to forbid such.
The destructive nature of eroding credibility of the users!
Our founders were an eclectic group and not all puritan. They knew how to keep a nation of people WHOLE.

REGISTRY TERRORIST (RT) is a kind term, too kind for the group that thought up this boondoggle.
I’ve much more respect for the jihadist who martyrs himself than these insidious fools, here is why. At least the
JT does it in the open, RT does it behind your back!
The JT ain’t pretending to believe. RTs are!
The JT doesn’t line his pockets. RTs do!
The JT will utilize a database to pick a target. RTs will use a database to conjure counterfeit targets.

Which is more evil?

I’ve had my say

I signed up to volunteer as a poll worker in Orange County. I received my poll worker packet last week and my assigned station for voting day at the Dana Point City Hall, which also has a police station attached to it. The packet included my official poll worker ID card, name badge, and login information for the state’s poll worker website, which I accessed and created an account. I also spoke with a county employee who scheduled me for training. She provided a basic overview and said that I would receive a stipend of about $130.

The Orange County Registrar contacted me a few days ago, two hours before my scheduled training, to inform me that I would not be allowed to volunteer as a poll worker because they located me on the California Megan’s Law website. I asked them to put it in writing, which they did:

Mr. —,

Thank you for taking my call earlier. Thank you for your interest in serving as a poll worker. As we discussed, we are unable to use you as a volunteer on November 6th. All volunteers are checked against Megan’s Law records and your information was a match. Our policy is to not allow anyone found on this registry to volunteer. Many of our volunteers serve at schools, community centers, and other public facilities where students and minors may either be present or assigned as student volunteers. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time.

ME ———->
Mr. —,

I was assigned to work at the Dana Point City Hall. That is not a school or a place where children would normally frequent. Also, there is a police station at the City Hall. Do you believe I would somehow present a risk to students and minors that may be present or assigned as student volunteers? I can assure you I am not a risk to anyone. In any case, this is a very public setting with many adults present alongside program coordinators, not to mention the presence of law enforcement. I would like to know why you view me as a risk and why you have this policy.

Thank you,


This is county policy. It is an added measure to protect all our volunteers, which include high school students. Student volunteers can be placed at any polling place in our county and are often moved on Election Day for coverage.
When a match is found on the states Megan’s Law database they cannot serve as a volunteer. No exceptions are made to this policy.

So, once again, the Registry is used as a way to exclude a very specific set of individuals. Because it’s so readily available and convenient, everyone can use it for whatever their purposes may be. Here’s what I would like to know: why are they not doing background checks to exclude people convicted of: identity theft, fraud, perjury, aggravated assault, battery, domestic violence, etc. Aren’t such individuals also equally “dangerous” (including having much higher recidivism rates) if (1) they have a conviction for a violent offence, or (2) they have been convicted of an offense closely related to identity and/or character (identity theft, fraud, perjury)?

Along those same lines, I would love to know why individuals convicted of identity fraud do not have specially marked passports. Wouldn’t the border control officers of foreign countries – when verifying an individual’s identity – be most concerned about individuals who have used a false identity in the past??

I signed up online, but haven’t received any word back that I know of. Maybe they just threw out applications from those who do not live in the county?

If there is indeed a lawsuit I hope we starting attacking “frightening and high” garbage.

Sick ~ I admire all of you who have so much more in depth knowledge when it comes to the registry and all its punishment that goes along with it. I consider myself a person with common sense, and the Static99R is definitely a scam. The name alone says it all…”Static”. Nothing in life is static. The 10 questions will always have the same 10 answers, no matter how long you live a law abiding life, have families of your own, build a career, buy a home, learned from your mistakes, etc, etc. Yet, these 10 questions and answers will try to define you forever? How would that make sense to anybody? I am sure as hell not the same person I used to be 10, 20, 30, or 40 years ago. How dare anybody judge anybody by 10 silly questions that have long been outdated and are no longer relevant to anything in anyone’s life? I would like to see Dr Hanson answer some questions about his past and see how he would feel if he was stil judged by some of the mistakes he most certainly has done in his past, LONG ago.